Friday, January 29, 2016


For all of you that have been asking about the D.C. weather I updated my blog.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Downs and Ups

We had fun with the Tillery kids on Saturday.  Actually, Dad had more fun with them than I did.  I was at a Women's Conference where I was teaching a class.  Chrystal and her kids came for the day.  Chrystal 's moral support for me at the conference was a great comfort.  We enjoyed the time there, the spirit was readily there.  I learned ways to improve.  The lunch was yummy!

Dad had taken the kids to the dump and they did some snow shoveling I think.  He fed them lunch of hamburgers and hot dogs.  Later, Bart came and took the boys snowmobiling around his place.  Cody and James got to drive some of the others and they really enjoyed that.

It had been a tough week for me.  What with trying to feel comfortable with my new calling, meetings and phone calls with that,  preparing for the workshop and keeping up with my classes.  I ended up dropping my math class.  It was 3 credits, but it was taking about 12 hours each week and I still have 6 other credits.  I had a 93% in the class.  But I knew I wouldn't be able to maintain that with everything else in my life.  In my setting apart blessing, I was counseled to put my husband and children first.  I was told "your worthy husband, and your many wonderful children and grandchildren, need your support" and "you will be blessed with time and energy" was repeated several times.  I  realized that Heavenly Father would bless me with time and energy, but that I need to do my part to make that come true as well.

After I dropped the class, I became aware of how many other things I was neglecting.  I think my pride was puffed up thinking I could be so capable and smart.  I'm thankful for the guidance of the spirit and the blessings I have felt despite my overextending myself.

The visit with Tillerys went much too quickly.  Chrystal wanted to leave early enough to beat a storm that was coming.  They left about 4:30, 90 minutes later than she originally wanted to leave.

Sunday we went to Bart and Janet's for dinner and birthday cake for Sarai, who's 12.  We also enjoyed skyping with the Tanners to see all their snow.

We are thankful that baby boy Dalton has safely arrived.  We are thankful for each of you and your goodness.

We love you all!  Mom and Dad

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Baby on the Way!!

So I am not sure if y'all know but tomorrow is a monumental day for us.  We get to meet and look into to the eyes of our little boy.  We are excited and I am nervous. We go in at 7:00 in the morning and after checking and some antibiotics the doctor will break my water.  If my body goes into proper labor my doctor will not give me pitocin.  So prep for pictures and news of our baby!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Need a Read

Well I really enjoyed this talk that I read for my religion class.

One quote that really stuck out to me is "Is it worth it to forfeit eternal blessings by fulfilling only part of the requirements?"

The talk is by Elder Scott 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Saturday, Snow, and Dreams that come true!

Saturday's work project was installing shelves to hold the TV and the VCR.  We lowered the shelf that Joseph and Joshua installed and then added another for the VCR.
Esther holding it for Dad

Dad has a level eye, but Esther also used a level to check and he was right on!

We also moved the piano a little, with a lot of effort, away from the corner so the phone cord could fit on the side.  In the process of moving it, we opened the top and had fun looking at the hammers that hit the strings.

We had some snow on Saturday and Dad and James shoveled the driveway, later in the afternoon.  There were a few flakes falling in the early evening, but it didn't seem like much.  

My Dream
I woke up very early (4:18 a.m.) Sunday morning with a dream that was both scary and comforting.  I dreamed that Dad was some kind of witness in a crime and had to testify.  I was waiting for him in a hallway.  He finally came out and we rushed to church.  As we walked in, the Sacrament meeting was over and everyone was going to class.  "I don't even know if I was sustained!" I thought.  "I missed taking the sacrament!" I lamented. "And I don't even know everyone's names!"  Then President Nicholes held out his arm and said, "It's okay Sister Erickson, it will all work out."  as he walked me to Relief Society.

I shared my dream with Dad and we both thought it was kind of random.  I was being sustained Sunday for a new calling as 1st counselor in Relief Society.  I never did go
 back to sleep and just got up to study and prepare for the day.  
We had our family scriptures and breakfast.  James had to leave early for a deacon's quorum presidency meeting.  A few minutes before his ride came, we looked outside and there was a TON of snow.

Dad began shoveling away, but then both Marion and Rob offered the use of a tractor, and so, pressed for time, Dad used that

Dad came in to shower at 8:50.  Even though he hurried, it wasn't fast enough and I started to panic a little.  We made it just as the last of the ward business was being announced, the re-organization of the Teacher's Quorum.  I had missed being sustained.  I wasn't even sure who was in my presidency, although I had a hunch about the other counselor.  We did make it in time for the sacrament, so that was a great blessing.  
I knew who the president would be, Marcia Bahr, the bishop told me that much when he extended the call.  Kathy Robinson, is the second counselor and Sandra Izatt is the secretary.  I'm still getting to know who all the sisters are in the ward.  But I feel so graciously blessed by some of the association I've recently had with each of these sisters.  Dad and I went to visit Marcia before Christmas and dropped off a small gift for her.  She has been widowed just a little over a year.  I ran into Sandra when I was visiting teaching, as she dropped by to bring a Christmas goodie to the sister I was visiting, and I got to know a little about her then.  Then Kathy Robinson came over to give John some items her son who goes to BYU-I had forgotten so John could take them and we got to visit with Kathy and her husband, James, and daughter, Alex.  Marcia is also a temple worker in Rexburg.  The last Saturday we came, on the 9th, Dad and I were planning to do initiatory while Esther and James did baptisms.  Marcia is an initiatory coordinator.  I saw her when I came in.  She was busy, but I still tapped her on the shoulder and said hi.  Because of the wait, Dad and I ended up doing sealings, which was a marvelous session.  Marcia told me yesterday that she had been praying about me as a counselor and then when she saw me that day in the temple, it confirmed it for her.  
Heavenly Father's ways are so marvelous and miraculous!

Dad, Esther, and James did some more shoveling for Grandpa and around our place too, while I had a meeting.  James and Dad rode the snowmobile home.  Esther drove the pick-up.  James took the snowmobile back to Grandpa's and hung out there while Dad, Esther and I rushed to make it to a New Beginnings program at the church.  Rushing from shoveling snow to making it on time to church seemed to be the theme of the day!

Friday, January 8, 2016

"O Come, O Come Emmanuel"

I just wanted to do a quick post about the choir that I sing in. This is one of the songs that we sang in our Christmas concert. It is also one of my favorites!

The director said that he arranged it so that it starts off with the men singing about the plight of humanity. Then then women join in. Then the women sing as if they were Jesus´ mother Mary. "Come thou rod of Jesse, " singing about the genealogy of the Christ. Then it gets really quiet, "Come thou Dayspring," when Jesus is born. Then it builds up to his mission. There is a big loud crash as the bands of death are broken!

All of us sing at the end as we rejoice!!

If you look hard you can find me in the choir... If you want to know the exact time, look below the video

Starting at 1:59 I am on the left side of the screen about midway up.

Monday, January 4, 2016

"I like your problem solving, Hyrum!"

This was encouragement and an invitation often offered by Eliza as Hyrum faced a difficulty.  I found myself thinking those words for me in the days that have followed when I face a difficulty, minor or major.

Starting my math class this semester will present me many opportunities to problem solve.  The following link is for a TED talk to help motivate posted by my instructor.  I share it will all of you.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Music Video Success

Here is the music video from Christmas time. It was a lot of fun to make. Thank you everyone for being willing and making it fun.