Sunday, June 16, 2019

The Perfect Father's Day!

Dad wakes up to the smell of breakfast cooking. He comes out of his room to find out that he is the last one up. We cheer loudly for him and lavish him with praise as delicious dark toast and very runny eggs are served. In his glass is see-through white, lukewarm skim milk to wash it all down with. Fortunately there is margarine on the table, so breakfast isn't a complete disaster.

We gift him an electric shaver before church which is good timing because we're  running late. The battery is mostly dead though so he is only half shaved for church. I get to talk in church and without much effort, I brag about my dad for 45 minutes. When the father appreciation treats are passed out it is none other than fine Hershey's dark chocolate. King size of course. With church ending, there are chairs all over the church, but since it is Father's Day, we leave them for all the single sisters in the ward to put away.

After church Dad is showered with gifts including tight fitting shorts and new sandals. We insist he change right away. The shorts are so tight he can't tuck his shirt in and there is no need for a belt. The biggest gift is a very expensive brand-new electric car. It is the size of a thumbtack and would probably get a flat tire from one too. We can tell he feels spoiled.

For dinner we have a gourmet left over spaghetti. There is no bread on the table, but halfway through the meal we find seven bags with store-bought ends  in them. The margarine again comes to the rescue. We do have actual water for dinner but instead of lime, it has been garnished with a chlorine flavor.

After dinner, we do calendar. The week is planned in less than ten minutes because we leave the priorities for last. With nothing to counsel about, we wonder what to do with the rest of our Sunday.  We decide to watch a chick flick. We have chips and mild salsa that ends up being too spicy, so we serve dessert. It is a triple-chocolate brownie with cool whip and dark chocolate sauce. The movie is only three hours long, so Dad is able to retire to bed at 10 pm, only 1.5 hours past his bedtime. He is worn out but grateful for his children that know him so well. This is exactly what I would try to do for Dad if I was a little closer.

Sometimes living far away, it can be hard to celebrate and have fun with the family, but it is easy to be grateful for an amazing father who was been a perfect example to me in every aspect of my life. I remember from my very early years that Dad took me fishing. I think the first I remember was when I was 3 1/2. I wasn't too interested in fishing at the time, and I nearly fell in the deep water while I was playing on a big rock. I do remember how special Dad made me feel by taking me fishing with him. There are many fishing trips where I don't think that Dad even got to fish by the time he tied hooks on everyone's line and baited them. People were catching fish, getting snags, and losing worms, so the whole process started all over. I love how selfless Dad is. He is a true example of Christlike love and service. I would love to hear an experience from everyone. It can be short and written in the comments.