Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Lucky Right Leg that Lived

 I'm the leg that lived.  You might know some of my story but let me give you a refresher to what I been through. I have had a horse step on me when I was two, so Ive been told. I dont remember the incident, but I've lived to tell the tale.  I was younger then and had no idea that what would happen to me next. I had motorcycle burn, girls camp tent stake, and barbed wire fence,  all leaving the mark in their own way, never to be faded through time.  Next was a clos call , a fasciotomy, which saved my leg from amuptation. A sugery that brought a blessing of having two legs to walk on. It also brought another scare and nerve damage.  A needled that got stuck in my foot. I know its not really but me, but I felt directly connect to that accident.  That only ecouraged me to live my life to the fullest, which which is exactly  what I was doing  on Tuesday April 20th 2021.  I was moving about while in support  of my other compain limbs that were fixing dinner when I was doused  with boiling hot water.  The pot that was holding the noodles and hot water poured on me and left leg and covering both upper parts of our thighs. Only I got the brunt of the heat. The skin started  to peel right away.  It was really lucky that only a samll portion burned as badly as it did. After a long 20 minute cold shower I started to feel a bit cooled off. This was the begining to learn what a burns can do to the whole body. 1  A burn can dehydrate the whole body. A recomendation of a gallon a day is required to keep the body from geting deprived of fluids. Constant thirst can accompany burn. 2 A burn keeps burning even after the source of heat removes. It can let off some serious heat Another reason to keep hydrated.  3 The largest organ in the body is your skin, and growing back skin is no joke.4 In order to keep a burn from getting infected all the dead skin has to be scrapped off. A excurtiating process which caused me to be gratetful that mine is the size of a dollar.5  Skin heals fairly quick but it still best to restrict movement and rest as much as possible. A burn would can wear you out. It also weeps and leaks frequently.  With all the tramatic experiences I am  so glad to be alive and to be healing. It really great to be needed.   Pictures in order from beginning to current. s