Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Long One-- Written For Jared with all of you in mind

Disclaimer: Other parallels can be me drawn, This is based on personal experience of one soul---

At Lydia's school,  these eight habits, are taught and ingrained in all the curriculum. They come from a book called Eight Habits of Highly Effective Stephen Covey.
It has been great to learn right along with on how to be a more effective person. 

Be proactive!-- Your in Charge! Act don't be acted upon Act  Heleman 14:30

I say this to myself..... a lot lately...I sometimes want to blame my circumstance or life. " Oh I didn't  get this done so its because Ben's always gone!Or its my houses fault that it doesn't stay clean. If only it was nicer. Or its because I moved...again."  While some of this is true I decided that I didn't want to become a victim of circumstance.
 Seeing it through the eyes of a child, Lydia, has helped me know that I can learn, grow, and become, no matter what.

Begin with the End in MindKeep an Eternal Perspective!

Oh! An eternal perspective.... Can't put it into words. I have learned that you can be happy no matter what and that an eternal perspective can add to that happiness.I thought of you that other day when I was studying the commandments in Preach My Gospel.  I was surprised that I had never really thought about scripture study and prayer as being a commandment. Through this outpouring of personal revelation I discovered a joy.  Keeping the Commandments =Happiness. I felt a great connection to my covenants and  I was happy, truly on a spiritual happiness high!! I felt so blessed even though Ben had been gone for twenty days straight.Such a blessing and tender mercy to know there is eternal happiness.
He has been working in Broadus Mt.He was was even working weekends and he couldn't come home.  He finally came home for about twenty four hours on day 22 (November 10th) and now he will be home on the 21st. After Thanksgiving he will be able to com home every night( sigh)On December 12th he retakes his failed portion on his lineman exam and then ..... That's as far as we know.
He also has been working in -20 to -30 below zero weather and he shot a a buck white tailed deer.

Seek first to understand then to be Seek to be understood!-- Find out what the Lord would have you do!! Be humble!  Listen to the spirit.

Kind of hashed this one already but I have been learning about how to find my voice! but also to listen better!! See habit Find your Voice.

Put first things first!-- Put the Lord first!
Work first then play--as they teach Lydia!  I know I was taught this one too - Thanks Mom and Dad"   I have been attempting to prioritize my day--
Think win, Win!- -This is described as a finding solutions that can help everyone feel happy and loved-   Gospel parallel-The gospel is the answer to a lot of problems but the love of the Lord comes first.  - "A person to be loved is more important than a problem to be solved."-  Thomas S Monson.

Synergize!- Work together to get results.-- Gospel connection-- Gather together visiting teaching/home aching Be There for others Serve

 I am proud of your service buddy!! Keep going!

Sharpen the Saw!- This is so include activities that provide a sense of physical, emotional/social and mental/intellectual renewal. -- Study scriptures, Pray-- Article of Faith 13

I have a goal to study Hebrew fifteen minutes a day! Would you check up on me and see how I am doing?

Find your Voice!!--Be true to your self! 

So  I have been reading this book called Daring Greatly by Brene Brown.
I am only eighty pages into and have already learned so much.  Its all about being vulnerable and  true o yourself and others especially those that you love.  When I think a self conscious thought.. like when I am worried about offending someone. I stop myself and think why worry I am showing them who I am! Especially when it is towards someone that I care about. I hope to become more confident and bold in sharing ... My testimony, my feelings.  My not worrying about myself I actually start thinking of others more.  I feel more connected in know what they need. Hence the reason why  I wrote so much in this email.  I have been quiet in sharing what is going on in my life.

Eli and I are doing home school preschool.  We are going to start studying animals around the world.  

Anna is such a character. She defiantly has a voice. She loves eating at the table with us.  She mimics us. She know please and more ins sign language.  When you say ready set go!  She will race you up the stairs.

Whew !  Well Love you bro!

Hurrah for Israel!

Linda Lee


  1. Thanks for sharing Linda Lee! Wow, to have a school that is teaching kindergartners these empowering principles is outstanding! I've been listening to some of that book on a CD from the library. But it's only the 7 Habits. I'll have to look for 8. Can Jared connect to our blog? I'm not sure he's allowed to go to other sites. If he is, then I can post some other things here instead of an email. Joseph, do you know if Jared and hook into our blog?

  2. I don't know if Joseph answered your question but my guess would be no. You can send him and email to ask him though

  3. I emailed it to Jared and just copied and pasted it to a blogpost!
